Shell Active Chess Honors Northern Luzon (Tuguegarao) Leg’s Top Youngest Player (8 Under)

Eight-year old Christian Czar Marquez of Colegio de Santa Philomena (Pulilan, Bulacan) emerged as the top youngest player – 8 under during the 15th Shell National Youth Active Chess Championship – Northern Luzon Leg (Tuguegarao) held on July 7-8, 2007 at Brickstone Mall, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. Marquez garnered 4 points during the seven-round Swiss System format. He is also named as the Shellane Smart Kid wherein he received a trophy (Top Youngest), a medal (Shellane Smart Kid), a stove set and Shellane LPG courtesy of Tuguegarao Shellane dealer Virgo Gas. In photo are (left-right) Shellane Smarty mascot, Shell dealer Severo Chua (Tuguegarao, Cagayan), Pilipinas Shell Retail Territory Manager for Region 2 Ryan Bahia, Pilipinas Shell LPG Marketing Implementor Suiee Suarez, Marquez with his father, Shell dealer Jude Lingan (Solana, Cagayan) and Tuguegarao City Sports Coordinator Mariano Cabugos.

Sanctioned by the National Chess Federation of the Philippines, the event was sponsored by Shell V-Power, Shellane, Helix, Rimula, and McDonald’s in cooperation with Cebu Pacific, SM Supermalls, CSI The City Mall, and Brickstone Mall.

The next leg is slated in Dagupan City on July 21-22, 2007 at the CSI Mall (Atrium).

Excerpts from Shell Philippines New & Libraries

Sacrifices in the Sicilian

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To all fellow chess aficionado a helpful book reference to enhance your minds.

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The Arth of Battle

All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership...

So makes one big push for chess crown

MANILA, Philippines - GM Wesley So, unfazed by a controversial draw in the sixth round, posted 1.5 points in the next two rounds to move closer to his second straight crown in the Phoenix Petroleum Battle of GMs at the Dapitan City Resort Hotel in Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte yesterday.

So, 15, held GM Mark Paragua to a 31-move draw of the Sicilian-Rossolimo to chalk up his 13th point, two points ahead of GM Joey Antonio, IM Richard Bitoon and Julio Sadorra heading into the last three rounds of the event.

The draw came after the 15-year-old So whipped IM Ronald Dableo in the seventh round as he remained on course in his bid to claim the top P200,000 purse and firm up his claim as the top player in the country today.

So finished off Dableo in only 26 moves of the French late Saturday to sustain his win streak, momentarily snapped by a draw with Antonio in the sixth round.

But the standoff was ordered nullified by the National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP), which ordered a replay of the match to be played today.

So takes on Sadorra in the ninth round.

Gomez made the biggest move in the weekend, beating GM Darwin Laylo in 58 moves of a Gruenfeld and GM Bong Villamayor in 46 moves of the English to raise his total to 11 points.

Sadorra later matched Gomez’s two-game streak by humbling IM Rolando Nolte (48, English) and GM Jayson Gonzales (40, King’s Indian) to force a three-way tie with Antonio and Bitoon.

Antonio humbled Villamayor in 62 moves of the Bogo-Indian but lost to Dableo in marathon 98 moves of the Scandinavian. Bitoon drew with GM Eugene Torre in 55 moves of the Sicilian and won over Nolte in 30 moves of another Sicilian.

Laylo drew with Torre in 60 moves of the Nimzo-Indian to grab solo sixth place with 8.5 points.

The Dragon Variation

he Dragon Variation of the Sicilian Defense is one of the most feared variations in chess! GM Jan Timman once said that he would never want to get into the Dragon, from either side! World Champion Garry Kasparov had never used the Dragon before his 1995 title defense match against Vishy Anand, but then played it several times against Anand, winning some crushing victories, which is the main reason Kasparov is still World Champion today!

The Dragon is part of the Open Sicilian, and arises after the moves 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6!, and gets its name from Black's pawn structure, which resembles (to some) the scales on a dragon's back. Against the Dragon, White's three main choices are (a) the Levenfish 6 f4, with the idea of a quick e4-e5, although this is rarely seen these days, (b) the Classical 6 Be2, planning to castle kingside, and play for central control ultimately with f2-f4, and (c) the Yugoslav Attack, starting with either 6 Be3 or 6 f3, where White plans to castle Queenside and launch his kingside pawns forward to storm the fianchetto protecting the Black king. The amazing tactical lines which most people associate with the Dragon Variation stem from the Yugoslav Attack.

King & Queen of Chess

The King himself is haughtie care,
Which ouerlooketh all his men,
And when he seeth how they fare,
He steps among them now and then,
Whom when his foe presumes to checke,
His seruants stand, to giue the necke.
The Queene is queint, and quicke conceit,
Which makes her walke which way she list,
Ans rootes them up, that lie in wait,
To worke hir treason ere she wist:
Hir force is such against her foes,
That whom she meets, she ouerthrowes...
The Rookes poore Pawnes, are sillie swaines,
Which seldom serue, except by hap,
and yet those Pawns, can lay their traines,
To catch a great man, in a trap:
So that I see, sometime a groome
May not be spared from his roome.
The Knight is knowledge how to fight
against his Princes enimies,
He neuer makes his walke outright,
But leaps and skips, in wilie wise,
To take by sleight a traitrous foe,
Might slilie seek their ouerthrowe.
The Bishop he is wittie braine,
That chooseth crossest pathes to pace,
And euermore he pries with paine,
To see who seekes him most disgrace:
Such straglers when he findes astaie,
He takes them up, and throws awaie.
The Rookes are reason on both sides,
Which keepe the corner houses still,
And warily stand to watch their tides,
By secret art to worke thier will,
To take sometime a theefe unseen,
Might mischiefe mean to King or Queene."

JICC Magazine

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before the defeat."
- Sun Tzubefore